I have this setup
Windows Server 2016 Standard OS Build 14393.2724
SQL Server 2016 SP2
Dynamics 365 (DB On premise
I'm trying to install the 9.0 version and I can't get it to install.
When trying to install it without upgrading the Organization I get the error "Index out of bounds of the array" under Dynamics 365 Server User Input.
Details shows the same message and the help page opens up the article "There is a problem with the encryption certificate".
I've read the article and implemented the suggested solutions without any effect on the installation.
Worth to mention is that I have tried to upgrade to 9.0 from both 8.2 and 9.0.
Do you have any idea of how to solve this?
Best Regards
*This post is locked for comments
Hey. Did you manage to resolve this? I'm having a similar problem.
Doublecheck that full-text search in CRM has been disabled atleast 24 hours prior before you continue.
Uninstall Dynamics Crm 8.2.3:
Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics 365 Reporting Extensions
Disable IFD via Deployment Manager
Disable Claims Based Authentication via Deployment Manager
Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server
Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Swedish Language Pack
Upgrade Sql Server:
Stop service "Sql Server Reporting Services"
Upgrade to SQL Server 2016 SP2
Start service "Sql Server Reporting Services"
Install Dynamics Crm 9.0:
Delete database MSCRM_CONFIG(close existing connections).
a.Install (CRM9.0 - Server - ENU - amd64\SetupServer.exe)
Installera SQL Native Client, SQL System Clr Types, SQL Server Management Objects
"Create a new deployment"
Chose existing website
Chose a temporary name for displayname and unique database name
Install temp org
Uncheck "Launch Reporting Extensions For SSRS Setup".och tryck slutför.
Install srs and patches.
1. Install CRM9.0 - Server - KB4458112 - ENU - Amd64.exe
reboot server
2. Install CRM9.0 - Server - ENU - amd64\SrsDataConnector\SetupSrsDataConnector.exe
3. Installera CRM9.0 - Srs - KB4458112 - ENU - Amd64.exe
Reboot server
Installera language pack ex.
CRM9.0 - Mui - SVE - amd64\MuiSetup_1053_amd64.msi
Pase new ServerRelease.xml
1. Browse to the following location on your dynamics server and copy the file ServerRelease.xml "C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\LangPacks\1033\Xrm\sql\9"
2. Now, browse to the folder of the language code of the org that you are trying to upgrade. For example, if the language code is 1053, browse to C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\LangPacks\1053\Xrm\sql\9.
3. Rename the file ServerRelease.xml. This could be something like ServerRelease.xmlOriginal.
4. Copy the ServerRelease.xml file from step 1 into the file path from step 2.
5. Perform steps 1 through 4 on any other frontend and backend servers in the Dynamics deployment.
Delete temporg and import your organisation
1. C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Tools\DMSnapin.msc opens Deployment Manager
2. select temp organisationen
a) disable temporg.
b) delete temporg.
3. Importera your organisation
Activate Claims-based Authentication
Activate IFD
If you cant import solutions after the upgrade do this.
Aktivera encryption key: Settings -> Data management –> Data Encryption
C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\Server\bin\assembly: Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Enable inheritance
C:\Program Files\Dynamics 365\CustomizationImport: Ge full kontroll till kontot som kör deploy
If you have problems with the encryption key in crm, add you install account to the correct PrivUserGroup
(A new update has been released Server update 0.3, that you can apply during the upgrade process aswell, or after you are done with the installation. I have not tried to replace the KB updates with the service update 3 but that could work aswell).
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