Hi. Ihave to modify RM Blank document report im Gp. For the description field I want the text to come in 2 different lines when I print that. Is there any way to do that?
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Hi. Ihave to modify RM Blank document report im Gp. For the description field I want the text to come in 2 different lines when I print that. Is there any way to do that?
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Just saw the reply by Soma which seems much simpler. You can go with solution provided by Soma.
You may need to use 2 calculated fields to do that on the report, splitting the Description field into 2 parts based on the number of characters you want for each line.
Both Calculated fields should 'Conditional' calculated fields, where for first calculated field should look like the expression in the pic below: If your description field is of 80 Characters and you want to split that into 2 lines with 40 char max, follow the below example.
For the second calculated field do the changes to the below fields only in comparison to the above screen shot:
Name : Calc_Desc_Line2
True Case : FUNCTION_Script( RW_Substring RM_OPEN_TEMP.Transaction Description 41 STRLEN(RM_OPEN_TEMP.Transaction Description) - 40 ) )
False Case : ""
{False case should be a inserted with empty string by using Constants tab}
You can modify the GP reports with using Report Writer(Build in Reporting Tool for Dynamics GP). To modify a report in Report Writer, follow below
1. Print the RM Blank document report in GP and go to Tools-->Customize-->Modify Current Report(CTrl+F9).
2. Now the report will opens in Report Writer Tool, click the layout from the Report Definition widow to see the layout design of the RM Blank document report.
3. Now select the Calculated Fields from the Toolbox drop-down and then click the new.
4. Create a 2 calculated field with using the Description field from your report field as below.
Desc1 = FUNCTION_SCRIPT( RW_ParseString Description 80 1 )
Desc2 = FUNCTION_SCRIPT( RW_ParseString Description 80 2)
Note: You can print maximum of 80 chars in the field of report.
5. Then use these 2 calculated fields to your report as per your desired place.
6. Finally go to File-->Dynamics GP.
7. Now open the Alternate/Modified Windows & Reports window to enable the modified RM Blank document report for the appropriate users.
8. Then print the modified reports to see the changes.
Hope this helps!!!
Hi Prateek,
If the description is large & you want to display the description in two lines. use calculated string field & use RW_Substring & RW_ParseString function to split the source string to one or more.
where you have enter the description? in customized form or through extenders?
if you are using extenders to save the description field use modifier to modify the report & use VBA to retrive the value to the calculated string descriptive field(you can show up to 80 chars in it). use 2 or more calculated string descriptive field to show the extenders description.
the same way you can retrive the descriptive field using custom RW_ function to retrive the value to the calculated string descriptive field(you can show up to 80 chars in it). use 2 or more calculated string descriptive field to show the description from the customized form.
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