One of my clients is having an issue with the GL account distributions created by eConnect for a POP receipt transaction. They are on Dynamics GP 2010 SP2 (11.00.1914).
The GL distributions created by an eConnect receipt differ fromthose created by the GP POP receipt transaction window for the same item. The item is a FIFO periodic valuation and the receipt cost is greater than the standard cost.
In the GP POP Receivings Transaction Entry window the GL dsitributions calculate the dollar variance and posts the amount to the IV varaince account from the item card.
The eConnect transaction calculates a variance amount but uses the IV inventory account. This creates two GL line items for the same GL account (1 for the standard cost amount and 1 for the variance amount). This is not correct for a FIFO periodic item as the GL inventory amount is not revalued for the item.
I have tested the same transaction in my Hyper-V test company and the eConnect procedure correctly uses the item variance account. My assupmtion is that a comapny setting, posting setting or item setting may be the cause of the different behavior between the two types of transactions. However, I am at a loss to determine what the different setting may be.
The eConnect SQL executes 2 procedures: taPopRcptLineInsert followed by taPopRcptHdrInsert.
The line insert passes these values for IV accounts:
Any suggestions on what may cause the difference in behavior between the two interfaces would be appreciated.
Jeff Coates
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