We have two CRM HTML web resources (new_list.html and new_record.html)
1) new_list.html contains list of accounts as hyperlinks, fetched from CRM using fecthXML.
2) new_record.html displays the details of the account record with respect to Guid which is provided as an Input from URL.
We are able to load the new_list webresource as a CRM page in main panel by calling the navigate action from toolbar button.
Now when the user clicks on the list of accounts present in new_list,a new session should be created and new_record.html should get loaded with relevant account details.
PFB a snapshot from new_list.
<a id="myLink1" href="#" onclick="Xrm.Utility.openWebResource('new_record?id=CFBC4D27-4BEC-E611-810B-C4346BDD8041');">A. Daum</a>
Problem : The new_record always opens in the current tab.
We tried various combinations of windows navigation rule but it seems as if the Windows navigation rule does not even triggers.
Kindly help!!
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