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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Unified Service Desk - Opening a CRM web-resource in a new session tab from another web resource.

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We have two CRM HTML web resources (new_list.html and new_record.html)

1)      new_list.html contains list of accounts as hyperlinks, fetched from CRM using fecthXML.

2)      new_record.html displays the details of the account record with respect to Guid which is provided as an Input from URL.

We are able to load the new_list webresource as a CRM page in main panel by calling the navigate action from toolbar button.

Now when the user clicks on the list of accounts present in new_list,a new session should be created and new_record.html should get loaded with relevant account details.

PFB a snapshot from new_list.

 <a id="myLink1" href="#" onclick="Xrm.Utility.openWebResource('new_record?id=CFBC4D27-4BEC-E611-810B-C4346BDD8041');">A. Daum</a>

Problem : The new_record always opens in the current tab.

We tried various combinations of windows navigation rule but it seems as if the Windows navigation rule does not even triggers.

Kindly help!!

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Neil Parkhurst Profile Picture
    Neil Parkhurst 10,727 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Unified Service Desk - Opening a CRM web-resource in a new session tab from another web resource.

    If I am reading you correctly, you have a list of accounts (with hyper links) in a global tab. And when one is clicked it is opening in the current tab rather than starting a new session. The behaviour you are seeing will be the default behaviour, so you'll need some configurations to trigger the new session. I will try to give you some pointers for this.

    1. You will need a session based hosted control to hold your account. So create a hosted control of type CRM Page and ensure the application is global option is NOT selected. You could call this anything, I would simply call it "Account".

    2. Ideally you will want to name your session. So ensure you have a session line of type session name. The entity on this will be account. You could use almost anything for the name. I would suggest something like "Account ([[]])"

    3. Finally and importantly you will need a window navigation rule to trigger the start of the session.

    Navigation Rule Details

    From : <<your hosted control>>

    Entity : account

    Route Type : Popup

    Destination : Tab

    Action : Create Session

    Target tab and show tab : The hosted control you create to hold your account. (So Account!)

    Note: Sriknath suggested using url set to "*", instead of "Account" as the entity. His logic of "*" would work. Personally I would want to specifically reference the entity. As "*" would apply to any entity / web page you try to load from your tab.

    I have a set of training videos fro anyone new to USD. This one might help you ...

  • Suggested answer
    ansrikanth Profile Picture
    ansrikanth 3,115 on at
    RE: Unified Service Desk - Opening a CRM web-resource in a new session tab from another web resource.

    Hi Amine

    What do you mean by it is not working. Can you explain more details on this? Is it opening the tab at least? Or are you seeing any error? Is it session based one or Global?

    Please share us as much as you can, adding screenshots of the error helps a lot in understanding your situation.

  • Aminovski Profile Picture
    Aminovski on at
    RE: Unified Service Desk - Opening a CRM web-resource in a new session tab from another web resource.


    I appreciate your question which will be very helpful for me. I am still a beginner with USD and I want to know how did you do to open a web resource in a hosted control? I've tried with A standard Web Application Hosted Control which i call with a Navigate Action Call but it doesn't work. Would you mind please giving me all the parameters that you've used in the Hosted Control and in the Action Call?

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards.

  • Suggested answer
    ansrikanth Profile Picture
    ansrikanth 3,115 on at
    RE: Unified Service Desk - Opening a CRM web-resource in a new session tab from another web resource.

    Hi Ritu

    If it is simply opening the pop up window of the account then the following window navigation rule config should work for you.

    Route Logic- From <<Your Hosted Control Name>>
    Route Logic- Url * (It's "Star")
    Route Type Popup (I would suggest in your <anchor> tag, mention target=_blank)
    Destination  Tab
    Action Default

    This will trigger the window navigation rule and opens the window as popup. However, If you want to start a session and load this account in "Account" tab (which I think is what your requirement),I don't see a necessity of "new_record" web resource over there.. Just change the above config a bit different.'

    Route Logic- From <<Your Hosted Control Name>>
    Route Logic- Url * (It's "Star")
    Route Type Popup (I would suggest in your <anchor> tag, mention target=_blank)
    Destination  Tab
    Action Create Session
    Target Tab Account
    Show Tab Account

    Also, you need to change your <anchor> tag to some thing like 

    <a target=_blank>a datum </a>

    Let me know if you have any specific requirement with new_record webresource, I can try to show an example for that..

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