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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

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Hi All

I have Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premise and have a workflow that processes a custom entity based on certain field changes.

I want to have this workflow add the custom entity item its processing to a Queue, but cant seem to see how to do this OOTB.  Is this something I need to create a custom workflow to do?

I can select an Action to ADDTOQUEUE and can set the DestinationQueueID but cannot find a way to set the Target.

I have enabled Queues for the entity.


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  • Suggested answer
    RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    @Rookie-CRMing , Instead of creating the Queue Item, now the OOTB action - "AddToQueue" can be used -->

    In your workflow, you can add a step --> Perform Action --> AddToQueue

    Let me know your feedback if it worked.

  • MituCRMing Profile Picture
    MituCRMing 270 on at
    RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    @ wayne-taylor-uk, I know it has been a while since you posted this, but I am wondering if you have been able to achieve that? I am trying to do the exact same thing. Thanks!

  • RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    Entity has got Queue's ticked, but the problem is I cant get an entry into the field, as per the screenshot below, the only lookup I get when I select the Queue Item field is Volunteer - Surname and there is nothing else in that field pulldown!


  • Thomas David Dayman Profile Picture
    Thomas David Dayman 11,323 on at
    RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    So make sure that your custom entity has Queues enabled in the configuration. I think this will create a Queue Item when a record is created. (I cant remember if this does or not)

    (If not) In the Queue Item part your lookup to your custom entity record which has been created?

  • RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    Thanks for the reply.

    I must be missing something basic then!

    In the CREATE QUEUE ITEM screen in the workflow, I can select the QUEUE ok by just typing the Queue name and it resolves OK, but I cant work out how to add anything to the "Queue Item" part?



  • Thomas David Dayman Profile Picture
    Thomas David Dayman 11,323 on at
    RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    No you can do this in a regular workflow by creating a Queue Item Record

  • RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    Thanks, so are you saying do this in a custom workflow then, or should I be able to do this without any coding?

  • Suggested answer
    Thomas David Dayman Profile Picture
    Thomas David Dayman 11,323 on at
    RE: Adding Custom Entity to Queue using a workflow

    If you want to do this then you can just create a new Queue Item looking at the custom entity? You will need to take the GUID of the Queue and populate into each of your environments.

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