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This answered my question. Thank you.
Go into Smartlist>>Financial>>Bank Transactions Create a smart list that has your checkbook ID>>PaidtoRcv'd From, GL Posting Date, Description, Source Document, checkbook Amount, Cleared Amount, Cleared Date, Voide Date, Voided, Source Document, Record Number. Then make sure that voided is equal to "NO". We use this one to come up with a list of all OS checks when someone forgets to print out the OS listing after a bank Reconcile. We just say that Cleared amt =$0 in that case.. And yes, I'm learning that not everybody has SQL access too.
Is there a simple inquiry or report I can look up if I don't have access to CM20200?
Thank you
Hi Mary
Yes, it actually goes by statement date. The transactions are in CM20200 if the transaction has been reconciled the RECONUM field will have a number in it. This number represents the unique number assigned to the reconciliation that included this item. Go over to CM20500, look up the number with the RECONUM field and look at the StmntDate field. This tells you which statement was reconciled.
I think that will give you what you want.
Kind regards,
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