How do I change the alignment on the 1096 reporting. I need to change some fields so it lines up with the form
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How do I change the alignment on the 1096 reporting. I need to change some fields so it lines up with the form
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McGuire -
Generate the 1096 report to the screen and click on the Modify Button at the top of the report output window.
How do I get to the GP Report Writer to modify the 1096 report?
You will need to use the GP Report Writer to modify the 1096 report. Then grant users security access to the modified report. The best practice is to modify the report while no one else is using GP. The modified reports dictionary (REPORTS.DIC) may become corrupted if any GP reports are generated while you are using Report Writer.
Generate the 1096 report to the screen and click on the Modify Button at the top of the window.
Move the fields around as needed. You should keep the fields in the original section. Moving a field to a different section could have some unanticipated results.
Close the layout Editor and click save. Select File - Microsoft Dynamics GP to return to GP.
Use the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports Setup window to grant security access to the modified report. (Tools>>Setup>>System>>Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports)
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