Hello Experts,
We are seeing 'Query execution time exceeded the threshold' warning getting logged into CRM application server log contentiously (mostly during Bulk insert).
Please guide for troubleshooting.
e.g. Application Log entries
Query execution time of 30.0 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 48; Database: ABC_CRM_MSCRM; Server:abc123; Query: sp_getapplock. Query execution time of 10.2 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 121; Database: ABC_CRM_MSCRM; Server:ABC123; Query: WITH "emp_ticketline0Security" as ( select emp_Reviewed as "emp_Reviewed", emp_ReasonCodeId as "emp_ReasonCodeId", emp_ticketlineId as "emp_ticketlineId", emp_ReasonCodeIdName as "emp_ReasonCodeIdName", emp_OrderId as "emp_OrderId", OwningBusinessUnit as "OwningBusinessUnit" from [emp_ticketline] as "emp_ticketline0" where "emp_ticketline0".emp_ticketlineId in (select ObjectId from fn_POARetrieveMultiple('0ce87c7e-1f01-e611-9403-00155dd91408', 10081,0)) UNION select emp_Reviewed as "emp_Reviewed", emp_ReasonCodeId as "emp_ReasonCodeId", emp_ticketlineId as "emp_ticketlineId", emp_ReasonCodeIdName as "emp_ReasonCodeIdName", emp_OrderId as "emp_OrderId", OwningBusinessUnit as "OwningBusinessUnit" from [emp_ticketline] as "emp_ticketline0" where "emp_ticketline0".OwningBusinessUnit in ('df5178ff-7500-e611-9405-00155d684a41') ) select top 5001 "emp_ticketline0".emp_Reviewed as "emp_reviewed" , "emp_ticketline0".emp_ReasonCodeId as "emp_reasoncodeid" , "emp_ticketline0".emp_ticketlineId as "emp_ticketlineid" , "emp_ticketline0".emp_ReasonCodeIdName as "emp_reasoncodeidname" from emp_ticketline0Security as "emp_ticketline0" where (("emp_ticketline0".emp_OrderId = 'b2bf5b31-eb4d-e711-940d-00155de02db9')) order by "emp_ticketline0".emp_ticketlineId asc. Query execution time of 12.9 seconds exceeded the threshold of 10 seconds. Thread: 44; Database: MSCRM_CONFIG; Server:abc123; Query: exec p_SetLastAccessTime '24123fc6-c372-e511-93f8-00155d684a41', '04e87c7e-1f01-e611-9403-00155dd91408', '06/13/2017 21:05:49', 'abc456.com'.
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