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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel

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Sales order are there in another mobile app or website app or may be data in SQL server or Excel.  I want to import that sales orders in D365 Business Central. Sales Orders serial no should be autogenerated after importing sales orders. How to do it?

Please help... 

  • Verified answer
    Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel

    Issue Solved ............ Thanks everyone

  • Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    Thanks for reply. Since I am very new in Business Central programming part, need help. Can Someone really guide me to write API to insert Sales Order in Business Central. Input will be from SQL data multiple tables. How to do it?


    Write API to insert Sales Order in Business Central from website data. I know only website address / url address. I know sql data behind this website. There are multiple tables need to collect data and insert into sales order.

    I tried with Power Platform flow. I  can user query or table. But stucked in sales order no, document type, status like columns.

    Please help....

  • Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    Ok ! Thank you !

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    I also ran the scenario with a configuration package and I am able to import sales orders without predefined numbers.

    I suggest you raise this issue to Microsoft via your partner or CSP.

    Thank you.

  • Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    Thank you for your reply !

    number series option tick mark set up done.

    I should try to import sales order from excel by keeping order no blank. Please check below screen shot. Please suggest correct way.



  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    That is exactly what I did (no manual adding of numbers).


  • Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    Thanks for your reply. Yes If I modify manually then it's working fine. I want generate this sales order no.s automatically after inserting data. I will receive data from another application.

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    I ran the scenario using Edit in Excel and it works fine as this is probalby the easiest way to do it. If you want to manually add the numbers, you need these two options to be added / enabled in Nr. Series in BC:


    E.g. I ran Edit in Excel for Sales Orders:


    After publish via Edit in Excel:



    You can also manually add the number e.g. 101014 in the Excel Sheet. Let us know if this works for you.

    Thank you. 

  • Suvarna Profile Picture
    Suvarna on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel


    If I am importing data with single line then it's working fine. But for multiple records it not importing correctly. My scenario is Import multiple sales orders from single excel sheet. I think still Sales order no is not auto generating. It's overriding on previous order no. I am mentioning full steps for your reference, please check whether I am following correct way?

    1) Set up -> Sales & Receivable setup -> Number series -> Order No.s -> S-Ord = Defualt Nos. check box is ticked on, Manual Nos. is ticked on

    2) Configuration Packages -> create new package with table no 36 and 37. Message confirmation asks me "Some fields have two or more related tables.

    Do you want to check them?" -> clicked on Yes button

    3) Edit - Config. Package Fields screen opens -> by default settings are there, I am not touching it. Just clicked on Close button

    4) Select both the tables. Clicked on Excel menu options -> Export to Excel.

    5) On the same exported excel previous records deleted and added new records.

    6) As per your guidance, checked last order no and copied that no and pasted in excel sheet. Sales Header sheet No. column. Sales Line sheet Document no.

    7) Same Configuration Package, select both the tables, menu Excel -> Import from Excel -> select both the tables, clicked on Import on above screen.

    8) Message box asks me to update related records in related tables. Clicked Ok. (multiple times).

  • Suggested answer
    Nitin Verma Profile Picture
    Nitin Verma 21,248 Moderator on at
    RE: Import Sales Order from Another App / mobile app / website app / SQL server / Excel

    Ok then please go back and check my steps I asked to make both Boolean fields to be true please do that and try again

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