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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

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We have a situation with a client where the Time and Materials Billing cycle is working correctly and sending the GL transactions to the correct GL accounts and is following the Sub Account Format selected in the Project Maintenance screen.

The situation is with the Fixed Price projects.

Here the Revenue Recognition and the Billing Entry are both 'acting correctly' not generating any errors but they are ignoring the Sub Account Format for each of the Projects and sending the GL transaction off to the account parent - without the sub account mask being applied.


Project 1 - should be sending the Billing to 2-10-01-4000

instead it is sending the billing to 2-00-00-4000

the sub account mask for the project is 2-10-01-XXXX


What are we missing?  We do have the accounts in the Posting Account window configured by default to 2-00-00-4000 (Revenue) could this be the source of the problem?

It is not just one project - it was for all projects - all cost categories - of ALL Fixed Price work.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Ok, looking at that screen that shows me all blanks under the Project >> Cost Category Account field.

    In our case, all revenue goes to x-xx-xx-4000

    The Project determine if it is

    x-10-01-4000 or x-20-01-4000

    based on the city and discipline the work is done by.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Hi Bill,

    The revenue account should come from project fee accounts.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    If I remove it from there - where is it going to know that I want revenue to go to x-xx-xx-4000?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Okay Bill you don't need to enter the revenue account there you may remove the same and test it.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    That is set in the Administration >> Posting >> Posting Account - select Project and enter the default accounts for all different options.

  • RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Hi Bill,

    Sorry for not clarifying properly, can you please confirm where did you given the default account for revenue as per your original post 2-00-00-4000 (Revenue)

  • RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    That is what we have done.  We grew from 3 segments to 4 segments and that is why we had to push the segments down as we have.

    I am wondering if any one has a clear explanation of the use of the selection buttons running down the side under Fixed Price / Cost Plus Accounts.

    The selection under the FP is different than that for a T&M project.

    Anyone any thoughts

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Hi Bill,

    you are correct.  I think you have total 4 segments if I am correct.  so you wanted to over ride only 3 segments and 1 segment remain same.  If that is the case please include only 3 segments on this windows and fill values where required.

  • RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Babu, when you select the Segment 1/2/3 in the other screen of this window, it populates the answer into the Default format - so the ??? all get replaced with what you select in this space.

    As to the screen shot - what can we expect for 48KB file - not much in the way of size options.

    Thanks for the assistance.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Project Accounting ignoring Sub Account Format Settings

    Hi Bill,

    Sorry since the screen shot is not clear I was not able to read the same properly or may be  becoming old :-).

    On this window the Default Format everything should have ???? and not any number which is why the overriding not work.  Please change the same to ?? and try again.

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