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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

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I am thinking about implement Verifone VX805 with Retail Realm MPS connection.

Would I be able to accept Apple and Android Pay?

If yes, do we need to create separate tender type for Apple Pay and Android Pay?

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    Hi, just an FYI on our EMV solution answer below from Ed:

    For those interested in the NAB Velocity RMS plugin, here's a link to our website. We created the RMS EMV plugin for a large customer and decided to release it to the market for others to use as an alternative to existing plugins. Our plugin supports the Ingenico Telium terminal series today. If needed, we can add support for other EMV terminals including Verifone VX.

    One of the things that sets our EMV plugin apart here at NAB is the fact that we are providing the terminals at little to NO COST with NO SET UP COSTS and NO additional capture costs to your merchants/clients. Our solution is a great way to get your clients compliant at little to no cost to your merchant.  Your merchants will be extremely happy as we also provide full lifetime warranty on the equipment and we have many installs in the marketplace working flawlessly. Click the link above for further info and I can be contacted directly at 888.583.5553 X110, if anyone would like to discuss further.

  • WLiberty Profile Picture
    191 on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?


    Thank you for sharing the NAB Velocity RMS plugin solution.  I will include your plugin in my growing list of EMV solution options for RMS customers NOT processing through Vantiv/Mercury or are already processing with one of the merchant account providers you currently support.  It's good to see more options are coming available since October, 2015!


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    For those interested in the NAB Velocity RMS plugin, here's a link to our website. We created the RMS plugin for a customer and decided to release it to the market for others to use as an alternative to existing plugins. Our plugin supports the Ingenico Telium terminal series today. If needed, we can add support for other EMV terminals.

    Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    WLiberty Profile Picture
    191 on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?


    To answer your question, Yes, you can accept NFC (Near Field Communication) Payments using the Vx805 unit with RR-MPS.  Contact your Vantiv Partner or Vantiv Support for verification and/or assistance on your account setup.  

    If you need a Vantiv Partner who can setup your Vx805 and RR-MPS to work with RMS, please do not hesitate to contact me.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    We are creating a landing page for the RMS plugin on the NAB Velocity website, and also in the process of creating a video that shows how to install the plugin and communicate to the terminals. As soon as they are available, I'll post.

    The Ingenico terminals are pre-loaded with the Velocity application, and the plugin communicates with that application, so the plugin handles communication between the terminal and RMS. This removes the need to install terminal support into RMS.

    As far as back end support, Velocity is the integrated payment division of North American Bancard (NAB). NAB also owns EPX which is our back end processor.

    The application that we load into the Ingenico terminals communicates through Velocity to EPX, so it is a completely integrated solution complete with back end processor. EPX created the application specifically for Velocity.

    Thank you,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    You'd be best to discuss that with your processor and your partner as my friend Scott suggested, RMS is the means to process the transaction. What can and will work with respect to devices and payment methods need to be tested and validated by the backend merchant processor. I'm sorry I can't answer that with a yes or no.  I do know that Retail Realm and perhaps others have You tube video's up which demonstrates their integrations with RMS. Ed is also correct, the Ingenico ISC 250 and ISC 350 are also two devices used within RMS integrations. Perhaps they also have a video demonstration of how their integration works? I would certainly be interested in seeing it demonstrated. I dislike paying for things I can't eat, so having a 3-500 dollar device I already paid for sitting on a shelf and can't use, is kind of hard to swallow.

    The device setup as I mentioned is anything but a cakewalk, and Microsoft can't support the devices so you will need someone to perform the integration. Who you choose, the associated costs and what they can and cannot do with respect to Android or Apple Pay? 

    That functionality, is completely dependent on the processor and their backend not RMS. (do they except Android and Apple Pay) if not, the device brand and model is mute. 

    I have seen neither implemented, but my assumption would be credit is credit and debit is debit. Since those tenders already exist creating a new one is likely not a requirement. Whomever implements it/configures it may have a recommendation of their own about the tenders.                      (perhaps for tracking purposes it may be a good idea?)

    One question I would also ask is: Is this configuration done through TSYS within the RMS EDC configuration "or" is it done using the "do not use electronic draft capture". (within the RMS configuration)

    Transactions done outside of EDC are supported only by the processor if you should have issues.

    Transactions done within EDC and TSYS do allow you to have some additional benefits with respect to support. Microsoft and TSYS can and do offer customers support collaboratively with the processor, should you have issues up to a certain point. 

    ( that's three sources of support you can depend on not just 1).                                                                                                  

    That's a very big plus in my professional estimation.

    Thanks for the questions you are doing a great job researching, I'm doing my best to help.

    I always feel better when I can see it before I pay for it, that's just me.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    The Vx805 is a better choice than the Mx860. Mx860 is only PCI PTS 2.x certified through Apr 30 2017, whereas the Vx805 is PCI PTS 3.x certified through Apr 30 2020. 

    If you're interested in other RMS solutions that support semi-integrated EMV, ApplePay and Android Pay, please consider NAB Velocity. We have an RMS plugin that supports the Ingenico Telium terminal series. VeriFone MX and VX support is also available. 

    If you'd like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

    Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    The MX 860 if I'm not mistaken is end of life ( which doesn't mean you cannot use it) it would mean you may have difficulties purchasing it. RMS is PCI compliant and EMV capabilities are obtained through the use of what is called middleware. You may want to perhaps speak with or visit Retail Realm look at Shift F4 or perhaps New West technologies. To answer the last portion of your question, you likely will want to obtain installation services to perform the entire installation and configuration to include the device... not help you. There is nothing "honestly" plug and play about this process and to reduce the possibility of you loosing revenues, I would look at these two partners or visit and search for a partner. Please don't invest in any hardware until you have verified it will work with the middleware, and the processor you have or plan to use has an emv compliant and capable gateway, that is a function of the processors backend Steve. This is not a recommendation of their products or services, this is an attempt to help you.      

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?


    You really caught my attention with this: "The only VeriFone ENV (Chip & PIN) tested and supported with RMS 2.0 is the VeriFone MX860." Tell me more, please. Which Microsoft partners are helping us end-users to install the MX860?  Which payment processors are playing nicely (certified)?

    Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Using VX805 pin pad with RR MPS connection, can we accept Apple and Android pay?

    Hello Danny,

    We have not tested the VeriFone VX805 with compatibility with RMS 2.0.

    The only VeriFone ENV (Chip & PIN) tested and supported with RMS 2.0 is the VeriFone MX860.

    As for accepting Apple and/or Android pay, that is something that you will need to discuss with your EDC processor as they are ultimately the ones who will accept or deny an EDC payment.

    Thank you,

    Scott Wardzinski

    Microsoft Dynamics RMS & POS Support Engineer

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