Hi, I have a problem on populating the item number field on EcoResProductCreate, upon clicking new it will automatically populate in itemnumber field. How do I do that on X++.
Item Id field is already added in EcoResProductCreate form. You will see this field when creating new record from Released products form. Also, system has number sequence code already added in this form for Item Id.
Make sure you have number sequence setup in Product Information Management Parameters form for ItemId.
class RunClassProduct extends FormRun { ////// /// /// /// [FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(EcoResProductListPage, NewProduct), FormControlEventType::Clicked)] public static void NewProduct_OnClicked(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e) { //activated the form up clicking the new product. Args args; FormRun formRun; //call the form directly. Args = new Args(formStr(EcoResPRoductCreate)); formRun = New FormRun(Args); formRun.init(); formRun.run(); formRun.wait(); } }
i tried this which i will appear the form EcoresProductCreate. and then on that form in field item number, i will set a number value there.
Not yet
Hi, You didn't mentioned, what is the problem? Have you tried creating code or configurations for it?
Please share more details preferably with code/screenshots.
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