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Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar

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I have a solution which has been going on for a while now, with classic commands (which I refer to as "ribbons") being configured through the RibbonDiffXml-tags for Account. There are 2 buttons in the ribbon which I've had which executes some Javascript when you click on them. Now I will create a new model-driven app where I don't want these buttons to show up, so I've instead looked at "modern commands" (as they are described here: I manage to create the same button as a modern command and only keep in the model-driven apps that I want, and exclude where I don't want them. But I cannot manage to remove the old commands from the command bar. If I remove the buttons in question from the RibbonDiffXml and import it to the environment again, the button doesn't disappear. However, all the properties of the button is gone, like the name, tooltip and description, see the image below as an example:


How can these buttons be removed? They show up in the command bar editor from the model-driven app, but I cannot edit them there in any way, since they are considered "legacy" buttons.

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar


    You need to download ribbon workbench tool zip file from below link

    Import solution to your target instance.

    Then check below blog on hot to get started

  • OGH Profile Picture
    OGH on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar

    What do you mean when you say "manually delete buttons" then? How is that done? The only way I know to delete a button is via customizing the RibbonDiffXml, which is done via exporting it in an unmanaged solution, modify the customization.xml file and then importing it again. And that hasn't worked as mentioned.

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar


    Unmanaged solution import will not delete the components from target instance.

    You will have manually delete buttons from your target as part of post deployment steps.

  • OGH Profile Picture
    OGH on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar

    Hi again!

    The only way I know that I can modify the buttons is via the RibbonDiffXml in the customization.xml-file and I've already tried to do that (as well via the Ribbon Workbench, but that does the same thing, just with a helpful UI). That's when the button still appears in the command bar, but as "LabelText" as you've seen in the original post. This is the main issue and why I've opened this thread.

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar


    Have you tried deleting buttons from your target environment?

    This is required if you are using unmanaged solution.

    Once deleted from target environment you can import the solution any time , you will not see that buttons.

    I hope you have also deleted from your dev environment.

    Use Ribbon workbench tool instead of modifying ribbondiff xml

  • OGH Profile Picture
    OGH on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar

    Thanks for your answer. I actually already did this, but it is a workaround I would preferably want to avoid, since it still leaves me with the legacy code for the buttons which is not used. If the legacy button is removed for example, it will show up again in the command bar of the model-driven app as I've shown in the original picture. And that could easily happen if a fellow developer imports an unmanaged solution into the environment where the ribbondiffxml doesn't include this button.

    So I would prefer to remove the legacy button all entirely and not have it show in the command bar in my model-driven app. Do you know if that's possible?

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Removed ribbons still showing in model-driven app's command bar


    Try hiding it using ribbon workbench tool.

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