I have found a few posts referencing this error but none with the exact symptoms I experienced so I'm wondering if anyone has seen this behavior and might know the cause.
I am on CRM 2015 (7.1) online.
Last week, I modified a custom entity which is a very simple entity with no scripting or anything outside basic CRM configuration. I added a lookup field to relate the entity to our Accounts entity and then I was no longer able to open the form to add or view records. The log file offered had the error systemform With Id __ Does Not Exist.
Today, I created a new entity to generate auto-numbers. I created the entity, added a "Next Num" field and then went to add a record after publishing customizations. I was again faced with the same error. I tried turning on the legacy from rendering and the new form was then able to open, but each time I tried turning that off, the form would sit alternating between "loading business logic" and requesting data from CRM". I don't think anything in this form should have been impacted by the legacy form rendering since it was brand new, no scripting, nothing fancy and only one extra field aside from what CRM automatically creates.
I was able to resolve both issues by creating a solution with only the affected entity, exported the solution, opened the customization file, found the systemform ID for the main form and replaced the ID with the ID of the form the error was looking for, and then reimported the solution.
Does anyone know what would cause this discrepancy between the form ID in the solution and the form ID expected when opening the form?
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