I think this is the case with the other "posted tables" as well, as I have seen a few discussions on this. This is a system permissions error, when I have the SUPER permission set, and have allocated this specific permission to my user as well. I have also generated an .al file permission set as well, with the error still presenting itself.
Please see the below code I have. I have many variations that I have tried to get the data on the Sales Cr.Memo Line to modify/update (second screenshot is the error):
On the vast majority of tables (when your user has the correct permissions) this is never an error that occurs, but on all "posted" tables this seems to be a common theme. Does anyone have a way that they have found to be able to modify data using the modify() procedure for this table or other tables that present this error when using that procedure?
action(Test) { Caption = 'Test'; ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnAction() var SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; Salescrmemolines: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Line"; begin Salescrmemolines.Reset(); Salescrmemolines.SetRange("Document No.", SalesCrMemoHeader."No."); Salescrmemolines.SetRange(Type, Salescrmemolines.Type::Item); if Salescrmemolines.Findset() then repeat Salescrmemolines."Unit Cost" := Salescrmemolines."Orbus Unit Cost"; Salescrmemolines."Unit Cost (LCY)" := Salescrmemolines."Orbus Unit Cost"; Salescrmemolines.Modify(); // this is the line where system permission error occurs until Salescrmemolines.Next() = 0; end; }