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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

PST Account Modifier/combiner

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Posted on by 150
Am I able to purchase the tool and register it without a partner?
Am I to understand that any new chart of accounts can be created as long as it (the segments legths, allowable segments,  and account length) fits the account framework. That current account format doesn't matter?  And that I would just do this for each company one at a time?
Also one more thing I read a pst pdf recently that showed the modifier process. Mentioned was the need for a text file with two columns to change many accouts at once. But then later it showed a modifier window where I could do a range. Not sure why a delimeted file would be necessary if there is a window to do a range of accounts?
Thanks for any information.

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  • Bill Miller Profile Picture
    Bill Miller 150 on at
    Re: Re: PST Account Modifier/combiner

    Great information Victoria; thank you!

  • Victoria Yudin Profile Picture
    Victoria Yudin 22,766 on at
    Re: PST Account Modifier/combiner


    Typically you need to purchase anything for GP through a partner.  If there is some kind of a special situation, you would need to talk to Microsoft about it to see what they suggest and/or if it's possible to make an exception. 

    You cannot reformat your account with the Account Modifier/Combiner tool.  You can only renumber your accounts or combine two or more accounts into one.  Reformatting would require either another 3rd party product or having Microsoft's Professional Services team do this for you at a separate charge.  The only thing you can do out-of-the-box is increase the length of any account segment or add a segment up to what is allowed in your account framework.  So for example, if your account framework is 10 segments of 6 characters each and your current account format is xxxx-xx-xx, you can increase the 2nd segment and make your account format xxxx-xxx-xx.  However, any new characters added will all be blanks, which makes it a little difficult to work with and may cause issues with reporting.

    When using the Account Modifier/Combiner you can do a few different things:

    1. 1. Manually type in one account at a time.
    2. 2. Manually type in a range.  This is useful if you're renaming a segment, for example, change all accounts where the second segment is 10 to have 20 for the second segment.
    3. 3. Use a file to make multiple changes at once.  This is useful when there are no ranges possible and you're changing more than just a few accounts.  For example, let's say you added an additional character to one of your account segments and want to change all the blanks to a Excel you can easily create a file that has the 'old' and 'new' account values in two columns, then you can use this file with the tool to make the change to all your accounts.

     Hope this helps.

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