I am getting a starnage error while integrating timesheets for 12-25-2010 using econnect. So I tried using the stored proc directly(taPATimeSheetHdrInsert) in SQL Management Studio. I still am getting errors saying "Inavlid Reporting Period". For example I changed the Periods in one of our custom tables as follows.
Our week starts on a sunday and ends on a saturday.
Period Start Date End Date
52 12/18 12/24
53 12/25 12/31/2011
Changed the above records to
52 12/19 12/25
53 12/26 1/1/2011
In the first case I get a Invalid Reporting Period(Unfortunately thats how the data has been integrated the whole year, The date ranges are wrong for periods.
In second case I am getting Invalid reporting date(Where the ranges are actually correct)
I am not sure what logic is being used by taPATimeSheetHdrInsert TO CHECK THE VALIDITY OF DATE RANGES AND PERIODS.
I spent almost a day on this issue. I would appreciate any tip as to where to look for at this point.
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