Re: Fixed Assets Imported Book records - need to post??
1. Make sure all your accounts are correct in the default for the assets, either by class or by asset (if you overrode).
2. Then go in and it will create a batch if you go to Fixed Assets GL Posting: You need to put in your beginning period and your ending period and the trx date for the Posting. It is going to create a batch for the GL to Post the Increase in your Balance Sheet to Fixed Assets. This is only going to create a batch it will not autopost. Most people have their fixed assets in the Balance sheet. Once this batch is created review the accounts it is posting to. But more than likely you will delete this batch. But it is good to double check so that you know when you create new assets that they are going to the right accounts.
3. Normally you should have stated a date that you had depreciated through on your assets so that you are not coming up with any new depreciation. But if you want to see what your next depreciation would look like you can do a Projection in the same area and then once you run the projection, you have to go to the report section to see what your depreciation would be. Reports>>Fixed Assets>>Projection.
Good luck..