RE: Outlook 2013 crashes after installing Dynamics 365 outlook plugin
I had turned on tracing on machine to catch what exactly is going wrong and following is the trace of the error just before the outlook crashed again:
# CRM Tracing Version 1.1 Unmanaged
# LocalTime: 2017-09-07 14:15:49.168
# Categories: *:Error
# Schedule: No registry key - using default value: Daily
# ComputerName: XYZ
# CRMVersion: 8.2.0001.0176
[2017-09-07 14:15:49.168] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:10356 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | HrReopenMAPIMessage File: common.cpp Line: 1690
>hr = 0x80070057
[2017-09-07 14:15:49.193] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:10356 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | HrReopenMAPIMessage File: common.cpp Line: 1690
>hr = 0x80070057
[2017-09-07 14:16:08.41] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:8512 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | CMAPIEventsListener::Run File: MapiEventsListener.cpp Line: 672
>hr = 0x8004010f
[2017-09-07 14:16:24.297] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:8512 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | CMailItemHelper::HrGetMessageIdFromMessage File: EmailHelper.cpp Line: 2512
>hr = 0x8004010f
[2017-09-07 14:16:24.297] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:8512 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | CMailItemHelper::HrGetMessageIdFromMessage File: EmailHelper.cpp Line: 2533
>hr = 0x8004010f
[2017-09-07 14:18:42.990] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:10356 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | HrReopenMAPIMessage File: common.cpp Line: 1690
>hr = 0x80070057
[2017-09-07 14:18:43.12] Process:OUTLOOK |Thread:10356 |Category: Unmanaged.Platform |User: PlatformUser |Level: Error | HrReopenMAPIMessage File: common.cpp Line: 1690
>hr = 0x80070057