So, where to start...
First of all I am losing my wits over this problem so ANY help is really appreciated.
Some background:
I have "inherited" the position as Dynamics CRM support-person since the person who developed our system has left the company and apparently my IT-degree makes me qualified. (Right...) So to start off, I have NOT got that good an idea of what I am make matters worse I will probably be using the wrong terms since our version is not in English and apparently changing the language is not an option.
So much for background info. Here is the actual problem:
We have a number of saved customer-searches defined, one of which has two graphs selectable on the right, displaying the data from that search in different forms for the users (mainly managers).
In the first graph, customers are divided by area, but the areas in the graph are for some reason not clickable, meaning you cannot click on one part of the graph to filter the results on the left, as is usually the case with other graphs. The graph is otherwise correct.
In the second graph the customers shuld be divided by office/location, which is what we want from clicking the first graph. The problem here is that it is an old "area" entity which is used, and it is apparently not used in the system at all anymore so the graph just shows one group instead of one for each area. So the graph is not working.
I am not sure about the old "area" entity but the new one, used for the first graph, is apparently defined according to the offices, with customers belonging to offices, belonging to areas.
So in short, the graphs are not working and I need to find a way to either make the first graph clickable to filter the first graph by office/location or to find a way to edit the second graph to use the correct "area" entity.
Current progress:
I can find the graph entities for both graphs under "Entities / Customers / Graphs". The one for the first graph has "Area (office)" selected which seems to be the correct choice, but I have no idea how to select that since the entire form is greyed out(!).
The one with the old "area" entity IS editable. It has the old incorrect "Old Area" selected with an Omega symbol before it but again, I cannot find the choice of selecting "Area (Office)". Only "Office" is selectable. Apparently since I am displaying customers, who are only connected to offices, not areas, like I mentioned above.
I managed to get the Advanced Search working so it displays the "related" entities for searches, (ie I can search for customers belonging to an office which belongs to a certain area) but I see no such choice in the entity form that I want to edit.
Not sure how clear my explanation was...but as I said I am lost.
Any help is MUCH appreciated.
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