Thank you! I was missing the Employee ID field in PA.EMP.00. I kept looking for the ID field at the top of the screen and it is actually half-way down in the left column of fields on the screen.
Once I added the ID, now the log in completes, but the screen just flashes back to the log in screen.
The error log states that there is an Access Rights Failure when logging in.
7/24/2015 8:48 AM Login Login Success User '[removed the username]' logged into company [removed company name] on ASP.NET Session 'onmp004kxjvqhqvm5oefv0r0' (Client ::1)
7/24/2015 8:48 AM Login Access Rights Failure An unexpected exception occurred while checking Access Rights to Project Timecard: Column 'PostTimesheetsDirectly' does not belong to table Result Set 0. (Client: ::1)
7/24/2015 8:48 AM Menu ArgumentException Column 'PostTimesheetsDirectly' does not belong to table Result Set 0. (Client: ::1)
at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.Mobile.MDTMTCEModel.TMSetupInformation.GetTMSetupInformation(String SLUserId, String WinUserId, Guid session)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.Mobile.ProjectTimecard.ProjectTimecardController.InitializeSession(HttpRequestBase activeRequest, HttpResponseBase activeResponse, HttpSessionStateBase activeSession)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.Mobile.ProjectTimecard.ProjectTimecardController.InitializeForMenuItem(HttpRequestBase activeRequest, HttpResponseBase activeResponse, HttpSessionStateBase activeSession)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.SL.Mobile.HomeController._Lambda$__23()
7/24/2015 8:48 AM Logout Logout Client logged out on ASP.NET Session 'onmp004kxjvqhqvm5oefv0r0'
I looked trough the database and did not find any table with the column 'PostTimesheetsDirectly'.