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Trigger an email within a customer journey if appointment created from activity tile

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I am trying to create a customer journey that will send an email within the same customer journey based on whether a contact registers for an appointment within the Appointment activity tile in the same customer journey. 

See screenshot:



Contact submits web form to request more information.

---Receives Email 1
----Wait 3 days

---Send SMS message
----Wait 7 Days

----Send Email 2 (request for appointment)

----TRIGGER: If appointment scheduled, sent appointment confirmation

                         If appointment NOT scheduled, send financial aid email.

It does not appear that I am able to trigger on the creation of an appointment record or not, only reactions to an email within the customer journey. Is there another way to achieve this customer journey?



  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Trigger an email within a customer journey if appointment created from activity tile

    Hi VSalyer24,

    Thank you for your question!

    This interaction currently doesn't exist in our product. Please suggest it to Ideas forum.

    Thank you,

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Trigger an email within a customer journey if appointment created from activity tile

    Hi Valerie,

    It seems that the default trigger tile was only able to track interaction to entity of content section, such as form submitted/visited or email delivered/opened. (In other word, only marketing activities could be tracked by trigger.)


    Could you tell me how do you schedule appointment after sending email?

    A simplified solution is that you could create a segment to query contacts who registered a specific appointment, then run another customer journey to send marketing emails(3 & 4)to them.

    Or you could trigger on your custom channel tile, but currently I'm still learning how to use it.


    It looks like we need to execute msdyncrm_CustomChannelActivityCreateInteraction action on creation of custom channel activity.



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