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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Batches with Errors Post

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Not sure how to explain this, but if our users misses an error in a batch on one of her edit list pages and then goes to post, the batch will post and just ignore the transaction with errors.

You figure it out later during financials when things don't add up.

Any ideas?  Done all the usual checks and ran it through our parter.

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  • Victoria Yudin Profile Picture
    Victoria Yudin 22,766 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    I typically recommend that someone in the company periodically check the Master Posting window to see if there are batches sitting there with errors and/or simply waiting to be posted.  This way you would catch all these batches before someone finds that there is a problem and has to go investigating.

    This is a good case for suggesting some additional training for the users to make sure they understand what happens when they post transactions and where to look for transactions or batches that look like they are 'missing'.  And if IT personnel is being asked to support this, then they should probably sit in on this training as well.  

    Also, if you have different posting settings for different companies and that is not the intention, you may want to take a look at that with your GP Partner to determine the desired settings and update all your companies to behave the same way.  

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    Is this a case of posting an RM batch say, and all the transactions post fine. However the system is set up to post TO the GL. Then they try and post the GL batch...and one of these fails?

    Just got that impression from reading the last post.

    Irrelevant anyway really - tansactions don't disappear - I expect there is a mis communication somewhere. Richard is 100%.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    Standard GP will post the good transactions and leave the bad ones behind. The user is prompted to run batch recovery and correct the error. All positng means is that the subledger transactions are about to submit to the ledger. In the ledger you cannot have an unbalanced entry or a bad date or other things that are invalid. So when GP sees this it filters them away from the ledger. The batch should immediately be sitting in batch recovery, as a matter of fact the user could check to see if the batch posts right away. If you see it still sitting there then something was wrong with it.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    My apologies for any false any information. I'm IT, not in accounting, but I think I finally got all the details, I thought I had them before but in running down things I have found more.  Every time I ask a question I get more different/more information.

    The batch will post, but doesn't post through. I didn't know you have to post things twice to get them to post. and I don't know what the differences are, but anyway the batch is created and posted and is gone until the next morning when it is posted through and that is where it will error out and you can put it in and get it out of batch recovery to fix.

  • Elizabeth Gross Profile Picture
    Elizabeth Gross 100 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    Where do you find the "bad" transaction after it is caught?  Is it still sitting in the batch?  Did the other transactions in that batch post?  I think that is how the behavior is designed, that it will be sitting there in that batch waiting for you to correct it.  We have that happen sometime, but we have a system in place where we check our posting batch at the end of the day to make sure there are no transactions left behind with an error. I think this is system designed so that users cannot force transactions with errors to post.  

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    First, I would run SQL profiler when you are about to post a batch you know has an error. This might at least give a clue as to what is happening. I did find this old TK article 863604. If this still works it may at least help identify a batch with an error. I am not aware of any setting that allows this.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    I have since learned of the company copy utility, so the other 3  companies i have created do not allow this like the first one, so 4 out of the 5 do not allow this and function properly.

    This problem is with the second company and between the partner and I, something has gotten flipped a bit or a table variable somewhere  in that company database.  I'm not sure there is a way to figure it out, but I had to ask.  As you say, there is no way this behavior should be happening.

    Thanks again for your thoughts.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    I have never seen that occur before. Are you sure the batch is not sitting in batch recovery? Are these GL,AR or AP transactions? Does it do this all the time? If it does, it would be helpful if you could create a test company and do this while watching with SQL Profiler.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    Correct, it is just "forgotten" by the system during posting and later when balances and checks are done, it is realized after the effect.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    Re: Batches with Errors Post

    If a batch has 10 transactions in it and one has an error, the 9 good ones will post and the bad will be left behing to be corrected. Are you saying this is not what is happening?

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