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Use Sales order line filter on "A sales order is released"

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I'm trying to create a workflow that will create a pop up message to the user when they released a sales order that contains an item that is not supposed to be used. 

This is how it looks:


The event is "A Sales order is released".

This is the condition, the idea is that it should be triggered when the item RABATTKOD1 is used on a purchase order line. There is no filter in the Sales header.


And this is the response:


The problem is that the message appear on all Sales orders that are released, not only those with the item "RABATTKOD1" on a line. I have manage to create the same kind of workflow but with filter on field in the purchase order header (for example Vendor No) and then it works as expected. I only receive the message when I release a purchase order with the vendor no that is written in the filter of the workflow. 

Is it possible to create a workflow with a condition that is based on a purchase order line? Or is it only possbile to create conditions based on the header?

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Use Sales order line filter on "A sales order is released"


    If you do not get further traction from the community, feel free to raise this issue to Microsoft via your partner or CSP.


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