I'm trying to create a workflow that will create a pop up message to the user when they released a sales order that contains an item that is not supposed to be used.
This is how it looks:
The event is "A Sales order is released".
This is the condition, the idea is that it should be triggered when the item RABATTKOD1 is used on a purchase order line. There is no filter in the Sales header.
And this is the response:
The problem is that the message appear on all Sales orders that are released, not only those with the item "RABATTKOD1" on a line. I have manage to create the same kind of workflow but with filter on field in the purchase order header (for example Vendor No) and then it works as expected. I only receive the message when I release a purchase order with the vendor no that is written in the filter of the workflow.
Is it possible to create a workflow with a condition that is based on a purchase order line? Or is it only possbile to create conditions based on the header?