In Business Central under the webservices I have added the CodeUnit 90 "Purch.-Post" and named it PurchaseOrderPost
From PostMan I'm trying to call the CodeUnit using the ODataV4 URL:
In the headers I pass the Company Id:
I havn't found a way to pass the PurchaseOrder number or ID.
I'm using the OAuth 2.0 authorization
The URL, TenantId and Environment are parameters, that are reused in multiple calls, for example:
{{BusinessCentralURL}}/{{TenantId}}/{{Environment}}/ODataV4/Company('CRONUS%20Danmark%20A%2FS')/PurchaseOrderPage?No='106001' - which works fine.
The response is "Resource not found for the segment 'PurchaseOrderPost'"
and looks like this:
Has anybody successfully called the code unit 90 Purch.-Post? and would you please share how to?