Hi All,
My AL code is below. I would like to order report so that 1st 5 columns are: No. / Description / Location_Code / Bin_Code / Quantity_Base
However, since this information is in 2 separate tables, using datalink, it seems like it restricts my ability to format order of columns. So I must request all columns from Table 1....then Table 2, and can not configure the order of columns from 2 separate tables.
Is this correct?
report 60002 customInventoryValuation { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Inventory Report'; ExcelLayout = 'customInventoryReportValuation.xlsx'; DefaultLayout = Excel; UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis; dataset { dataitem(Item; Item) { column(No_; "No.") { IncludeCaption = true; } column(Vendor_Item_No_; "Vendor Item No.") { IncludeCaption = true; } column(Description; Description) { IncludeCaption = true; } column(Base_Unit_of_Measure; "Base Unit of Measure") { IncludeCaption = true; } dataitem("BinContent"; "Bin Content") { DataItemLink = "Item No." = field("No."); column(Location_Code; "Location Code") { IncludeCaption = true; } column(Bin_Code; "Bin Code") { IncludeCaption = true; } column(Quantity__Base_; "Quantity (Base)") { IncludeCaption = true; DecimalPlaces = 0; } column(Inventory_Value; "Inventory Value") { IncludeCaption = true; } trigger OnPreDataItem() var begin SetFilter("Quantity (Base)", '>%1', 0); SetFilter(Quantity, '>%1', 0); end; trigger OnAfterGetRecord() var itemRecord: Record item; begin "Inventory Value" := item."Standard Cost" * "Quantity (Base)"; end; } trigger OnPreDataItem() var binContentRecord: Record "Bin Content"; begin SetFilter(Type, '%1', type::Inventory); SetFilter("No.", '<>%1', ''); SetFilter(Inventory, '<>%1', 0); end; } } requestpage { SaveValues = true; layout { area(content) { group(GroupName) { } } } actions { area(processing) { } } } }