I am working with a client who had a payroll check to void last week. It kept locking up when attempting to void the check. We learned that a pay code on the check did not have a frequency, thus causing error. We corrected and attempted to void yet again with more errors. We corrected tables as we thought we should ot allow them to void in GP. Upon doing this noted that the transaction added back to the CM20100 table 388 times and we are thinking only one transction should be showing there for the void. We then I looked at the Checkbook balance and noted the cash account is off by 403,000+ dollars the transaction we had voided was for 802.21 and that times 388 is 311,000+. I ran check links and it removed all but one entry int he CM20100 table as expected. However, the checkbook balance did not change at all. Does anyone know what might need to be done to allow the checkbook to reflect the correct balance? I assume we can make a bank transaction to get it back in sync however not sure what the future implications of that may be. I do see the transaction in the CM50508 table, but not sure why it is there.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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