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How can I validate an email address in a workflow

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I am picking up a few errors on a workflow that sends contacts an email. 

I do a conditional check to ensure that the email field is not empty, but if its in the wrong format, I get the error below.

Is it possible to validate this within a workflow?




  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How can I validate an email address in a workflow

    Can you confirm that both from and to parties have valid email addresses?

  • RE: How can I validate an email address in a workflow

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How can I validate an email address in a workflow


    Can you please provide a screenshot what's on the next step?

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