I'm working on a picking ticket report for our parts department. this is how it goes: An order is created, a picking report and a packing reports are created also. The picking tells the person in the warehouse, which parts to physically grab (and their location). I created a calculated field in the body of the report to give a value to the items being shipped. Not all items that are ordered get shipped. Some are back-ordered, but we ship what we have. Easy enough calculated field: Line total = (sop_line_work.qty - sop_line_work.qty to back order) * sop_line_work.UnitPrice
Now, I need a calculated field in the report footer to sum the line totals. I've tried changing the display type to "SUM," but that gives an overall total, not just for items that are being shipped.
Any help is appreciated. This is most likely a straight forward fix. I've been thrown into the world of Report Writer with a marketing background. lol. We're in GP 13.
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