Hello Fouad,
This is a new known issue where the SharePoint integration cannot be enabled for the portal.
These are the mitigation steps:
Current scenario:
Users are not able to redirect to AAD consent screen due to permissions mismatch. Instead getting stuck at “PermissionsAdded” state.
Mitigation Steps:
1. First get the AppID from the portal details screen.
2. Open azure portal using https://portal.azure.com/#home
3. Go to Azure active directory
4. Once AAD is opened, Redirect to App Registrations left menu
5. Switch to All applications
6. Search with the AppID we copied from portal details screen
7. Open the available Microsoft CRM Portals search result
8. Goto API Permissions left menu
9. Remove the obsolete permission by clicking “…” option ? Remove permission
10. Now add new permission by clicking Add a Permission button
11. Switch to APIs my organization uses
12. Search for the id 00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000
13. Click on the search result Office 365 SharePoint Online
14. Now Switch to Delegated permissions option
15. Search for TermStore.Read.All
16. Select the checkbox of TermStore.Read.All
17. Click the Add permissions Button
18. Once permission added. We will see the screen as below. Wait for the consent button to be available
19. Now go back to portal admin center ? SharePoint screen and try to Enable. You should able to see consent screen and on accept consent the SharePoint permissions will be enabled.
I am also attaching a Word doc which has the steps along with the screenshots.
First reports of this issue started coming in last week.