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stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

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we are getting the attached error and can not find much on it.. anyone seen this before?

  • Suggested answer
    BB1983 Profile Picture
    BB1983 176 on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    Hi, that was the full error message, we deleted the Purchase Order Req and raised a new one, with the exact same attributes and it worked. not quite sure of what the issue was but its fixed for now

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    Could you give us the full error message, please? We can't do much without this basic information.

  • BB1983 Profile Picture
    BB1983 176 on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in


    its purchase order requistions... does this suggest an error in the workflow? its been used many times before and its the first time its failed.

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,971 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    Hi BB1983,

    Can you explain the abbreviation "POR"? Can you share a screenshot of the workflow configuration? Are you aware of customizations which could play a role in this workflow?

  • BB1983 Profile Picture
    BB1983 176 on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    They raised a POR, which was accepted by procurement and approved by her manager and it then should have gone to create a PO but got this error message instead

  • BB1983 Profile Picture
    BB1983 176 on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    Hi its  POR and it seems this is the first time its happened.. just checking with the user

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,846 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: stooped (error):x++Exception:cannot create a record in

    What does the rest of the error message say? That the record already exists? If so, it should also show field values.

    Also, please give us some context. What were you doing when you got this message? Does it happen in all similar cases? Did it work before?

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