Hello - As the end of my fiscal tear quickly approaches, I was wondering if there is a report that lists the payouts made during a definable period? (ie 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010)?
*This post is locked for comments
Hello - As the end of my fiscal tear quickly approaches, I was wondering if there is a report that lists the payouts made during a definable period? (ie 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2010)?
*This post is locked for comments
Copy the following text into NotePad then save in your reports as UTF8 and this filename "Memorized-Drop Payouts by Date.qrp", no .txt extension
Then you will have it in your Memorized reports.
//--- Report Summary --- //
Begin ReportSummary
ReportType = reporttypeSales
ReportTitle = "Drop Payouts by Date"
PageOrientation = pageorientationPortrait
WordWrap = True
ShowDateTimePicker = True
OutLineMode = True
Groups = 0
GroupDescription = ""
DisplayLogo = False
LogoFileName = ""
ProcedureCall = ""
PreQuery1 = ""
PreQuery2 = ""
TablesQueried = <BEGIN>
FROM [DropPayout]
SelCriteria = ""
GroupBy = ""
SortOrder = ""
End ReportSummary
//--- Title Rows ---//
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Store Name>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 16
Color = "Blue"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Report Title>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 12
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "Generated On <Report Date>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 10
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
//--- Filters ---//
Begin Filter
FieldName = "DropPayout.Time"
FilterOp = reportfilteropBetween
FilterLoLim = "8/07/2015"
FilterHilim = "8/07/2019"
FilterNegated = False
FilterConnector = reportfilterbooleanconAND
End Filter
//--- Columns ---//
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.CashierID"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Cashier ID"
VBDataType = vbInteger
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 937
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.Time"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Date"
VBDataType = vbDate
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1195
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.StoreID"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "StoreID"
VBDataType = vbInteger
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1100
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.BatchNumber"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Batch #"
VBDataType = vbInteger
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 774
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.Amount"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Amount"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1508
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.Comment"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Comment"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1195
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.Recipient"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Recipient"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1902
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "DropPayout.ReasonCodeID"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Reason Code"
VBDataType = vbInteger
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 992
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftTop
End Column
Hi Jeff,
Could you please send this via email aadeel@skyrocket.com.pk link showing 404.
Can I get the report arusent@outlook.com
please email me the report as well penrynsub@gmail.com
Could you please send updated link or email to penrynsub@gmail.com
Hey thank you very much Marc, it worked perfectly.
Hi Jeff,
I have not been active on the forums since the change. I am glad to see you found a workaround for the attachment issue. Thanks for the tip.
Maybe open a DropBox or similar account and post links to the file(s). We do this all the time.
BTW, here's our Drop and Payout report;
Check your email.
Hey Marc and fishhead, is it possible for you to send it to my email also. I would really appreciate it thanks. dragobeer@nealandmassygy.com
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