In a demo tenant production environment, I created a new Page Api extension for the FA Ledger Entry Source table. The Get action returns success, but the POST action does not work and returns an error message: Bad Request 400, Internal_ServerError, message: Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action.
I am using an admin user for that demo tenant when making postman calls.
The requests are being made with Postman.
This is the code for my Page Api:
page 51175 "FA Ledger Entries Page API" { PageType = API; Caption = 'FA Ledger Entries Page API'; APIPublisher = 'TestPublisher'; APIVersion = 'v1.0'; APIGroup = 'TestGroup'; EntityName = 'faledgerentry'; EntitySetName = 'faledgerentries'; SourceTable = "FA Ledger Entry"; DelayedInsert = true; ModifyAllowed = true; DeleteAllowed = true; InsertAllowed = true; ODataKeyFields = SystemId; layout { area(Content) { repeater(GroupName) { field(Amount; Amount) { Caption = 'Amount'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("AutomaticEntry"; "Automatic Entry") { Caption = 'Automatic Entry'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("AmountLCY"; "Amount (LCY)") { Caption = 'Amount (LCY)'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("BalAccountNo"; "Bal. Account No.") { Caption = 'Bal. Account No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("BalAccountType"; "Bal. Account Type") { Caption = 'Bal. Account Type'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("CanceledfromFANo"; "Canceled from FA No.") { Caption = 'Canceled from FA No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(Correction; Correction) { Caption = 'Correction'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("CreditAmount"; "Credit Amount") { Caption = 'Credit Amount'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DebitAmount"; "Debit Amount") { Caption = 'Debit Amount'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DecliningBalance"; "Declining-Balance %") { Caption = 'Declining-Balance %'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DeprthisyearCustom1"; "Depr. % this year (Custom 1)") { Caption = 'Depr. % this year (Custom 1)'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DeprEndingDateCustom1"; "Depr. Ending Date (Custom 1)") { Caption = 'Depr. Ending Date (Custom 1)'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DeprStartingDateCustom1"; "Depr. Starting Date (Custom 1)") { Caption = 'Depr. Starting Date (Custom 1)'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DepreciationBookCode"; "Depreciation Book Code") { Caption = 'Depreciation Book Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DepreciationEndingDate"; "Depreciation Ending Date") { Caption = 'Depreciation Ending Date'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DepreciationMethod"; "Depreciation Method") { Caption = 'Depreciation Method'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DepreciationStartingDate"; "Depreciation Starting Date") { Caption = 'Depreciation Starting Date'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DepreciationTableCode"; "Depreciation Table Code") { Caption = 'Depreciation Table Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(Description; Description) { Caption = 'Description'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DimensionSetID"; "Dimension Set ID") { Caption = 'Dimension Set ID'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DisposalCalculationMethod"; "Disposal Calculation Method") { Caption = 'Disposal Calculation Method'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DisposalEntryNo"; "Disposal Entry No.") { Caption = 'Disposal Entry No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DocumentDate"; "Document Date") { Caption = 'Document Date'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DocumentNo"; "Document No.") { Caption = 'Document No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("DocumentType"; "Document Type") { Caption = 'Document Type'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("EntryNo"; "Entry No.") { Caption = 'Entry No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ExternalDocumentNo"; "External Document No.") { Caption = 'External Document No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAClassCode"; "FA Class Code") { Caption = 'FA Class Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAExchangeRate"; "FA Exchange Rate") { Caption = 'FA Exchange Rate'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FALocationCode"; "FA Location Code") { Caption = 'FA Location Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FANo"; "FA No.") { Caption = 'FA No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FANoBudgetedFANo"; "FA No./Budgeted FA No.") { Caption = 'FA No./Budgeted FA No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAPostingCategory"; "FA Posting Category") { Caption = 'FA Posting Category'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAPostingDate"; "FA Posting Date") { Caption = 'FA Posting Date'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAPostingGroup"; "FA Posting Group") { Caption = 'FA Posting Group'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FAPostingType"; "FA Posting Type") { Caption = 'FA Posting Type'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FASubclassCode"; "FA Subclass Code") { Caption = 'FA Subclass Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("FixedDeprAmount"; "Fixed Depr. Amount") { Caption = 'Fixed Depr. Amount'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GLEntryNo"; "G/L Entry No.") { Caption = 'G/L Entry No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GenBusPostingGroup"; "Gen. Bus. Posting Group") { Caption = 'Gen. Bus. Posting Group'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GenPostingType"; "Gen. Posting Type") { Caption = 'Gen. Posting Type'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GenProdPostingGroup"; "Gen. Prod. Posting Group") { Caption = 'Gen. Prod. Posting Group'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GlobalDimension1Code"; "Global Dimension 1 Code") { Caption = 'Global Dimension 1 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("GlobalDimension2Code"; "Global Dimension 2 Code") { Caption = 'Global Dimension 2 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("IndexEntry"; "Index Entry") { Caption = 'Index Entry'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("JournalBatchName"; "Journal Batch Name") { Caption = 'Journal Batch Name'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("LocationCode"; "Location Code") { Caption = 'Location Code"'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("NoofDepreciationDays"; "No. of Depreciation Days") { Caption = 'No. of Depreciation Days'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("NoofDepreciationYears"; "No. of Depreciation Years") { Caption = 'No. of Depreciation Years'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("NoSeries"; "No. Series") { Caption = 'No. Series'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("PartofBookValue"; "Part of Book Value") { Caption = 'Part of Book Value'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("PartofDepreciableBasis"; "Part of Depreciable Basis") { Caption = 'Part of Depreciable Basis'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("PostingDate"; "Posting Date") { Caption = 'Posting Date'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("PropertyClassCustom1"; "Property Class (Custom 1)") { Caption = ' Property Class (Custom 1)'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(Quantity; Quantity) { Caption = 'Quantity'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ReasonCode"; "Reason Code") { Caption = 'Reason Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("Reclassification1Entry"; "Reclassification Entry") { Caption = 'Reclassification Entry'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ResultonDisposal"; "Result on Disposal") { Caption = 'Result on Disposal'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(Reversed; Reversed) { Caption = 'Reversed'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ReversedbyEntryNo"; "Reversed by Entry No.") { Caption = 'Reversed by Entry No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ReversedEntryNo"; "Reversed Entry No.") { Caption = 'Reversed Entry No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension3Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 3 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 3 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension4Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 4 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 4 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension5Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 5 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 5 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension6Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 6 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 6 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension7Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 7 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 7 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("ShortcutDimension8Code"; "Shortcut Dimension 8 Code") { Caption = 'Shortcut Dimension 8 Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("SourceCode"; "Source Code") { Caption = 'Source Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("StraightLine"; "Straight-Line %") { Caption = 'Straight-Line %'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemCreatedAt; SystemCreatedAt) { Caption = 'SystemCreatedAt'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemCreatedBy; SystemCreatedBy) { Caption = 'SystemCreatedBy'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemId; SystemId) { Caption = 'SystemId'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemModifiedAt; SystemModifiedAt) { Caption = 'SystemModifiedAt'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemModifiedBy; SystemModifiedBy) { Caption = 'SystemModifiedBy'; ApplicationArea = All; } field(SystemRowVersion; SystemRowVersion) { Caption = 'SystemRowVersion'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("TaxAreaCode"; "Tax Area Code") { Caption = 'Tax Area Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("TaxGroupCode"; "Tax Group Code") { Caption = 'Tax Group Code'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("TaxLiable"; "Tax Liable") { Caption = 'Tax Liable'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("TransactionNo"; "Transaction No.") { Caption = 'Transaction No.'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("UseFALedgerCheck"; "Use FA Ledger Check") { Caption = 'Use FA Ledger Check'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("UserID"; "User ID") { Caption = 'User ID'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("VATAmount"; "VAT Amount") { Caption = 'VAT Amount'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("VATBusPostingGroup"; "VAT Bus. Posting Group") { Caption = 'VAT Bus. Posting Group'; ApplicationArea = All; } field("VATProdPostingGroup"; "VAT Prod. Posting Group") { Caption = 'VAT Prod. Posting Group'; ApplicationArea = All; } } } } }