Hi, suddenly most of our activities workflow we have developed for a customer have started to fail with the same exception:
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail, System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault.set_ExceptionRetriable(Boolean)'.
The code is never executed and only the exception is logged. The customer have D365 OnPremise version code was compiled with VS 2015 for .net framework 4.5.2 and the SDK 8.2. The same code in other CRM (OnPremise and the same version is working fine. This is really drive us nut and causing a lot of problems for everybody. I Googled for the set_ExceptionRetriable method but there is no reference to it; MSDN has no idea about that method, too.
I would appreciate any guidance on how hot troubleshoot this issue.
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