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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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D365 FO - Costingversion - Calculate item price - wrong setup price

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Posted on by 25
I am stocked on this issue!
1. Calculating a manufactured part - Multi
2. Setup prices on level 1 are correct - same operation and setup as on level 2, coming up with cost per unit 1,35.
3. Wrong cost per unit on level 2 or higher. Should be: Hourrate x consumption / lot size (239 x 0,17 / 30 = 1,35)
It seems it always multiply with "Number of series" on the Prices tab.
Prices tab:
  • Per Moller Profile Picture
    Per Moller 25 on at
    D365 FO - Costingversion - Calculate item price - wrong setup price
    Thanks Danny
    You are on the right track :-) and I have investigated a little furhter.
    A multi level calculation will always show lot size from the top level item in the "View calculation details" for all lines.
    Example: Hourprice: 239, Hours: 0,17, Default quantity on top level: 40, Default quantity on level 2: 50)
    When calculating setup prices it seems to calculate like this: ((Setupprice per hour * hours) * (default quantity on toplevel/quantity on actual level = Number of series) - (239 * 0,17) * (40 / 50)) / Default quantity on toplevel.
    Will test with more than 2 levels in BOM, but I am sure it will work as well :-)
  • Suggested answer
    Danny Bilodeau Profile Picture
    Danny Bilodeau 4,335 Moderator on at
    D365 FO - Costingversion - Calculate item price - wrong setup price
    Hi Per,
    Can't garantee that this is the solution, but on the Default Order Settings there are the "Standard Quantities" which is normally used to define the standard lot size (when calculating Standard Cost.
    You could test by changing that Standard Quantity on your level 2 and higher items and see if that is the solution.  My thinking is that if its blank, the system will simply use the Quantity specified when you launch the cost calculation. 
    These are the fields I am referring to (Purchase tab for Purchased Items, Inventory tab for Manufactured items)

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