Currency information is used differently in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics GP. Because of these differences, currency information must be slightly converted during the integration process.
Here are the ways to Map Currency Information for integration purpose:
1). Open Connector for Microsoft Dynamics.
2). Go to the integration to work with, and then click the Maps node in the left pane.
3). Select the GP Currency to Transaction Currency map.
4). In the Status area, click Activate.
5). Click the Edit link next to the Check for changes area to open the Map Run Schedule window. Change the map run schedule to run every 45 seconds. Make sure that the Start Date field value is before the date that you first entered data into Microsoft Dynamics GP. Click OK to close the Map Run Schedule window. If your business needs require a longer run time, you can set the Map Run Schedule to any duration.
6). Verify that the date listed in the Check for data modified after area is before the date that you entered your Microsoft Dynamics GP UofM schedules. To change this date, click the Edit link next to the Check for data modified after area to open the Check for data modified after window. Enter the new value, and then click OK. Start the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics service again.
7). Click Save on the top command bar. In the Status section of the Map page, the Last run status is displayed. While the integration is running, the Last run status will be displayed as Currently running and displays the numbers of changes found, changes written, deletions found, records deleted, and failures. Wait until Currently running is no longer displayed and the Last run status is displayed to allow the integration to run and move the Microsoft Dynamics GP UofM schedules to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
8). Open Microsoft Dynamics CRM and go to Settings, select Business Management, and then select Currencies. All of the currencies that integrated from Microsoft Dynamics GP are displayed. Double-click any existing currency to open the Currency window.
9). Verify that all the currencies have been fully integrated.