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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

"System-defined views cannot be deleted" when deleting a managed solution

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I am trying to delete a managed solution from Dynamics 365.  The solution was installed in September 2013 and we no longer have the unmanaged solution.

There are some parts of the solution which are still being used.  To get round this, I have recreated all the fields and forms etc. using a new publisher.  

The next step is to delete the manage solution.  When I do, I get the following error:

System-defined views cannot be deleted

System-defined views cannot be deleted. If you contact support, please provide the technical details.

I understand what a System-define view and have no need to delete them.  I have removed all the dependencies.  The entities in the solution are Campaign, Marketing List, User, and Custom Entity 1.

How can I delete the managed solution?

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  • Shwaa77 Profile Picture
    Shwaa77 175 on at
    RE: "System-defined views cannot be deleted" when deleting a managed solution

    Sitting with a similar scenario, we created unmanaged solutions from one organization[Org A] to copy to another Organization [Org B], some System Views were included in the solutions, now we sitting with duplicate views in the other organization[Org B].


    We've renamed the views but can't delete/deactivate them.

    Any help would really be appreciated.

  • RE: "System-defined views cannot be deleted" when deleting a managed solution

    Hi Alex

    I tried your suggestion of creating a new solution with the OOB entities but it just made this scenario more bizarre.

    First, it asked if I wanted to include the required components.  The is normal however the list was empty.  I would expect it to have something in the list.

    The second issue is it wouldn't let me install the managed solution as there were components missing.  I checked a few from the list and actually they were there.  There appears to be disconnect between between the system and the default solution.

    Clearly something weird is going on.  I have escalated this to Microsoft.

  • ashlega Profile Picture
    ashlega 34,477 on at
    RE: "System-defined views cannot be deleted" when deleting a managed solution

    Hi Marc,

    I don't really have an answer, but it seems to me Dynamics got confused since you have those out of the box entities in the solution. Actually, it is not always a problem (more exactly, I could not even make it a problem on my test instance..)

    Wondering if there used to be a view in 2013 that does not exist in 365 for one of those out of the box entities.. so now when you are trying to delete that old managed solution which includes oob entities, Dynamics assumes that view has to be deleted as well.

    I don't know if this is going to work, but you might try to create a new solution, include those 3 OOB entities and all assets into such a solution, export it as managed, delete it from CRM, then import it back (as managed).

    Then try to delete your old solution. Although, even if it works, you'll probably still be stuck with that "holder" solution, but, at least, it'll only have OOB entities.

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