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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

sa login lost all security access

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Posted on by 756

Somehow our PowerUser security role that grants all access has been wiped out. This is the role that is assigned to our "sa" login.

I am logged in as "sa" and I am not able to correct the power user access.  This has never happened before and not sure what could have done this.

Recommendations as to how I can fix this as "sa" is the highest level power?


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  • Mariano Gomez Profile Picture
    Mariano Gomez 26,225 on at
    RE: sa login lost all security access

    The POWERUSER role is an internal role and has no security tasks assigned by default.

    It may also be that the 'sa' user account is damaged in the User Master. Try this:

    if exists(select * from SY01400 where USERID = 'sa') 
    	delete from SY01400 where USERID = 'sa';
    insert into SY01400(USERID, USERNAME, Zoom_Fields_Font_Color, Zoom_Fields_Font_Style, Editable_Fields_Backgrou, Editable_Fields_Font_Col, Editable_Fields_Pattern, Editable_Fields_Pattern_, Scrolling_Fields_Backgro, Scrolling_Fields_Font_Co, Scrolling_Fields_Pattern, Scrolling_Fields_PatCor, Required_Fields_Font_Col, Required_Fields_Font_Sty, Internet_Type, PASSWORD, SHRQFLDS, SECACCS, UserRole, UserType, UserStatus, SQLLoginID, WindowCommandDisplay)
    values('sa', 'sa', 6, 2, 10, 2, 4, 2, 10, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0x00202020202020202020202020202020, 1, 0x01000000, 1, 1, 1, 'sa', 1);

  • Napolo Profile Picture
    Napolo 756 on at
    RE: sa login lost all security access

    I have executed a check links on the series: System.

    I created a generic role, granting ALL access, thinking if I assigned that to myself, I could edit the poweruser role.   That didn't work.

    I executed the above script (exact), in my Dynamics company.  Maybe I missed a step?

  • Napolo Profile Picture
    Napolo 756 on at
    RE: sa login lost all security access

    Thank you for the quick response.

    I executed the script.  Rows were affected, however the power user security role is still showing zero tasks assigned to it.  SA still can not make edites to the security role or any other administrative functions.

  • Suggested answer
    Mariano Gomez Profile Picture
    Mariano Gomez 26,225 on at
    RE: sa login lost all security access

    The following should help restore the POWERUSER role and access to 'sa':

    if exists(select * from SY09100 where SECURITYROLEID = 'POWERUSER')
    	delete from SY09100 where SECURITYROLEID = 'POWERUSER';
    values('POWERUSER', 'POWERUSER', 'POWERUSER', 1, 'sa', convert(datetime, convert(varchar(20), getdate(), 101)));
    if exists(select * from SY10500 where USERID = 'sa') 
    	delete from SY10500 where USERID = 'sa';
    select 'sa', CMPANYID, 'POWERUSER' from SY01500; 

    Please run this in a test environment that currently reflects the situation in your production environment. Backup your production environment databases before you attempt to run this query.

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