RE: Sql procedure error codes returned: Error Number = 1340
Looking at the taRMDistribution procedure mentioned in the error screenshot, the error number of 1340 represents the following:
if (@I_vACTNUMST <> '')
select @I_vDSTINDX = 0
select @I_vDSTINDX = ACTINDX from GL00105 (nolock) where ACTNUMST = @I_vACTNUMST
if (@I_vDSTINDX = 0)
select @O_iErrorState = 1340
On the surface, it's looking at the account index (ACTINDX) value in the GL00105 table for the account number (ACTNUMST), then if the account index (ACTINDX) which is passed into the vDSTINDX variable is 0 (zero), then it throws error 1340.
I looked for more information on this error and procedure but didn't find much more than this. I would look at the ACTINDX value in the GL00105 table for the account numbers (ACTNUMST) being used in the integration and/or for any ACTINDX values in the GL00105 that are 0 (zero) or not a valid account index number and if you find any, correct them to see if this resolves this eConnect error.
You can also open a support case if you want a engineer to actively look at this error with you, otherwise I'll leave this forum open for anyone else that may've experienced this error message and have more information on it.
Thank you,