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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Lay-a-way report on the Z

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

My customer is trying to understand the Lay-A-Way reporting on the Z report. I an having a small issue getting him to understand.  His Cash and credit card tenders seem to reflect the payments on all sales and Lay-a-way payments. His issue is seeing it in his sales.  He sees it in his cash and credit card tenders but, he tries to match it to his sales it does not equal the sales for the day. He is looking for a cleaner, concise way to list this on his Z-report. Where the cash and/or charge payments are shown.  How are layaway purchases handled and reported. What is the flow of the Lay-a-Way and the payments and how are they reported in the Z and other reports. Thank you 

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  • Suggested answer
    eliud mugo Profile Picture
    eliud mugo 1,440 on at
    RE: Lay-a-way report on the Z

    From RMS help file:

    Layaway is a process where a customer may pay in increments and receive the item when the item has been fully paid for. The customer must place a minimum deposit.

    Note that the deposit paid will reflect on  Z report as paid on layaway but not in sales since the customer has not been issued the item.To make this appear in sales the customer has to pickup the item  for more details on this you can use help file in RMS manager program on search type layaway or go through below

    To pick up layaway items

    Your customers can pay for any combination of the items on the layaway. Once you use F11 to recall a specific layaway, you can process and track the layaway items. Whenever a customer picks up an item on layaway, that item comes out of your inventory.

    1.       Press F7, select the applicable customer account, and then press Enter.

    2.       Press F11 to display the available recall functions.

    3.       Select the Recall a Layaway option, and then press Enter. The Layaways window appears. If you selected a customer, you will see the layaway(s) for that customer. If you did not enter a customer's account, you will have to select from all the customer accounts that presently have layaways.

    4.       Select the applicable layaway, and then press Enter.

    5.       Press F12. Store Operations displays a window enabling the customer to either pick up the entire layaway or partially pick up the layaway.

    Pick up entire layaway

    If the customer wants to pick up all the items on the layaway, you can perform the following:

    1.       On the Layaways window, select the Pick Up Entire Layaway option, and then press Enter.

    2.       On the Tender window, enter the amount received in the appropriate tender field, and then press Enter.

    Pick up partial layaway

    If the customer wants to pick up a partial order, you can perform the following:

    1.       On the Special Functions window, select the Pick Up Partial Layaway option, and then press Enter.

    2.       The Pick Up Order window enables you to select the specific item and quantity for which the customer wishes to pay. To do this, press the Spacebar to select or clear the Pick Up check box located next to the item.

    3.       If the customer has put two or more of the same item on layaway, enter the applicable quantity number in the Quantity field.

    4.       Press Enter to display the Tender window, and then enter the applicable tender amounts.

    5.       Press Enter again to process the transaction. Store Operations tracks the layaway payment(s).

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