We have a strange problem. When our colleagues set the link from an email to an account, the email is added to the account twice. The e-mail appears twice not only in Outlook, but also in the linked activity in the CRM.
Here is an example:
Alter Fall: m.s führte zum Download einer Unmenge an Daten? <http://server/ORG/userdefined/edit.aspx?etc=4202&id=%7b1C9E40EB-1DA5-E811-A2B8-00505687C621%7d> Alter Fall: m.s führte zum Download einer Unmenge an Daten? <http://server/ORG/userdefined/edit.aspx?etc=4202&id=%7b14F2352F-1EA5-E811-A2B8-00505687C621%7d>
Both E-Mails have the same content, but not the same GUID.
We have already uninstalled and reinstalled the entire Office and Add-In. The problem remains. (Using the latest rollup for CRM 2016 on site)
Any ideas?