Dear all,
I installed the self hosted retail store scale unit, as you know that during installation of RSSU, it asks the application ID and secret key of the app registered in azure portal. now the secret key is expired and the communication of RSSU with the D365 FO headquarter halted.
so how we can update the secret key in RSSU so the communication with the headquarter can start.
I noted one thing in "AsyncClientService.exe" file i saw both entries of application ID as ClientId and secret key as ClientSecrets but the entry of secret key is encrypted.
I think if we enter the newel generated secret key from app registration in azure portal against this application ID, then issue may resolve. but the issue is how we can encrypt the secret key like below because secret key generated by azure is 37 characters and key encrypted during installation is nearly 250 characters.
<setting name="ClientId" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="ClientSecrets" serializeAs="Xml">
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="">" xmlns:xsd="">">
Any other way to resolve this issue.