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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Cancel delivery reminder non stocked item on return SO line

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I have a return order contains stocked and non stocked items
I have posted a first packing slip for all the items from the return SO line, and then I wanted to invoice the order to credit the customer account, however I did noticed the non stocked item value wasnt included 
Seems to be when packing slip was posted, the item was considered as scrap 
So I didnt continue with the invoice and cancelled the old packing slip
Then tried to generate new one with only stocked items
Then tried to generate the invoice again and this time the value was correct
However the SO status remained Open order
Seems to be what happened is when I cancelled the packing slip, only the stocked items were canceled and the non stocked item remained as delivered
so now the system for some reason is still waiting for the delivery of the non stocked item 
even though when I check the Qty details I can, Delivered qty= -1, Invoiced qty= -1, all seem good but deliver reminder is also = -1!

any one could help to close the return order?

thank you
  • Suggested answer
    Fasih Profile Picture
    Fasih 398 on at
    Cancel delivery reminder non stocked item on return SO line
    Here's a solution:

    1.  Go to the Return Sales Order screen.
    2.  Select the return sales order line for the non-stocked item.
    3.  Click the Inventory Transactions tab.

    This will display a list of all inventory transactions related to the return sales order line.
    To make sure that the quantity is correct, check the Quantity field for each transaction. The total quantity of all transactions should be equal to the quantity of the return sales order line.
    You can manually adjust the inventory transactions to reflect the correct quantities. To do this, you will need to access the inventory transaction screen in your ERP system. Once you are on the screen, you can select the inventory transaction that you want to adjust and click the "Edit" button.
    On the edit screen, you can make the necessary changes to the quantity field. Once you have made the changes, be sure to click the "Save" button to save your changes.
    It is important to note that manually adjusting inventory transactions can have a significant impact on your inventory accuracy. 
    Once you have adjusted all of the inventory transactions related to the non-stocked item on the return sales order line and all quantities are reconciled, you can try canceling the return order line and then recreating it. When you have canceled and recreated the return sales order line, the status should be reset, and you should be able to proceed with generating a new packing slip and invoice for the stocked items.



  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Cancel delivery reminder non stocked item on return SO line

    It seems that there was an issue with the cancellation of the packing slip for the non-stocked item. As a result, the system is still expecting the delivery of the non-stocked item, even though the quantities show as delivered and invoiced correctly.
    To resolve this issue and close the return order, you can try the following steps:

    1. Check the inventory transactions related to the non-stocked item on the return sales order line. Make sure that the quantity is correct and that there are no remaining open transactions or issues.

    2. If there are any incorrect or open transactions, you can manually adjust the inventory transactions to reflect the correct quantities.

    3. Once the inventory transactions have been adjusted and all quantities are reconciled, try canceling the return order line and then recreate it. This should reset the status and allow you to proceed with generating a new packing slip and invoice for the stocked items.

    Best regards,

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