We recently upgraded from 6.5 to SL2011. Previously, we could export reports to Outlook 2010. Can we still do that? If yes, how? If not, did something take it's place?
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We recently upgraded from 6.5 to SL2011. Previously, we could export reports to Outlook 2010. Can we still do that? If yes, how? If not, did something take it's place?
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That works, thank you.
Hi Diane,
Crystal Reports 2008 no longer supports the following report export options: MAPI, Application, Exchange Folder, Lotus Domino, and Lotus Domino Mail. Please see the following suggestion:
1. Print the report to a file and save
2. Right click on the file name and select "Send to" then select "Mail Recipient "
3. An empty email message with the report attached should appear
4. Input the recipients email address and send the report.
This is documented in KB 2728942.
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