Does anyone know if/how the Relationship Type default option list can be edited? The default list doesn't fit our needs. Thx!!
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Does anyone know if/how the Relationship Type default option list can be edited? The default list doesn't fit our needs. Thx!!
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Woohoo! That did it Drew. So much thanks!
Hi Tom,
Yes through customiztion tab select account entities option set field there you can edit option set values as per your needs.
Hi Tom,
This is a option set within the Account entity.
As a System Administrator user or another role that allows customizations...
1. Go into Settings -> Customization
2. Custom the System
3. Under Components you will see "Entities"
4. Choose the Account entity
5. Select Fields
6. Find the customertypecode field
7. Edit this field and you will see the values of the option set you can change
Hope this helps.
Hi Tom,
Go to settings>>customizations>>customize the system>>expand entity list>>expand account>>click on fields>>scroll and look for 'relationship type'>>double click to open>>edit the option set values , located at the lower half of the form (You can add values as well)
Recommendation: Rename the existing values, do not try to delete. Deletion will remove these values from the accounts in the system having these values as part of relationship type field
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