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ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution

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i tried loading my solution and gave me an error saying solution contains sub components so it can not be loaded.
even creating a new solution it shows me the following error 
why isnt it working ?

  • ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution
    I followed all the steps and still can't open the solution with the ribbonworkbench
    any tips please !?
  • Suggested answer
    Goutham A Profile Picture
    Goutham A on at
    RE: ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution

    Hi MicroDynamicalCRM

    Try adding only entity without any assets or metadata to solution. Uncheck "Include entity metadata" and "add all assests" when adding entities and its preferable to keep the no of entities low.

    I have seen instances where Ribbon workbench will fail to load if an entity contains assests like views, fields forms etc.

    <Please mark by post as resolved if this addresses your query>

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution

    Hi Partner,

    The error dialog means that the RibbonWorkBench tool you are using is latest version(3.1.443.1), The latest version will now perform checks on the solution before it loads it.

    “There are no entities in this solution” error means that need you add at least one entity to the solution, can you share which components you have added? 

    Also, you need notice following other points, otherwise, other errors will appear:

    --You don’t have to add any entity metadata or assets or form in the solution except the entity itself only. 


    --Other errors:


    For more details, you can refer following link:

    Speed Up Publishing of Solutions – Ribbon Workbench for Dynamics CRM/365 & Power Platform (

  • Suggested answer
    POwens Profile Picture
    POwens 75 on at
    RE: ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution

    Try creating a new solution - I usually create a solution per entity and name it <Ribbon Workbench - entityname>. Add the existing entity that you want to adjust the Ribbon for. Do not add any sub components of the entity. Save the solution.

    Now try opening the solution in Ribbon Workbench.

    Ribbon workbench can have problems opening a solution with more than 3-4 entities or many subcomponents. Try keeping it simple with just one entity only per solution.

  • Suggested answer
    meelamri Profile Picture
    meelamri 13,206 User Group Leader on at
    RE: ribbon workbench can not load newly created solution


    What is in your solution? Your solution must contain at least one entity or the ApplicationRibbon component.

    Also, your solution should not contain many elements, otherwise ribbonworkbench would have trouble loading it.

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