I'm having some issues with Real Time segments. Specifically, picking up on changes to Contact records that should move Contacts in/out of the segments. Example logic: [custom field] /Expiration Date/ is >= today and <= tomorrow (i.e., expiring in the next 2 days).
Currently, I can see a Contact (contact 1) in the existing segment that has an Expiration date pushed out to 3 days from now and should not be in the segment (10/8); and another Contact (contact 2) who should be in the segment (Expiration Date of today). The segment shows it is refreshing regularly, and changes to the Contacts were made 12-36 hrs ago so I don't think it's a processing delay.
Interestingly, when I clone the segment without making any modifications, contact 1 is correctly NOT in the cloned segment and contact 2 is correctly in the segment. So I'm pretty certain it's an issue with how the segment is refreshing.
Any tips, other than contacting Microsoft Support?