RE: Opportunity close as won
Hi Sol007,
There are two things to confirm:
1. You create contract start date and contract end date both on Opportunity and Opportunity Close entity?
2. When you close your Opportunity as won, you need to sync contract start date and contract end date form Opportunity to Opportunity close?
And there are some question about your flow:
1.Your demand is that sync contract start date and contract end date form Opportunity to Opportunity close when you close your Opportunity as won( If I didn't misunderstand), why your change type of your trigger in the first screenshot is Added or Modified? In my option, you just need to select Modified.
2.In your second step(update a row), you passed opportunity's GUID to Row ID of Opportunity close entity. This is wrong. Row ID of Opportunity close entity is Opportunity close's GUID not opportunity's. Due to Opportunity entity and Opportunity close entity has one to many relationship, you could use List rows action to get all Opportunity close entity records by opportunity's GUID.
Looking forward to your reply and I would provide the flow after that.