Good morning,
I am quite a beginner with Microsoft Dynamics, so maybe my question will be ridiculous.
I have done a migration with Data Migration Manager from the software ACT!, and now i have data in the attribute prioritycode for the task "Appointment" which are: "High"; "Normal"; "Low"; "0"; "1"; and "2"
The data 0, 1 and 2 come from the migration. So now i would like to remove them from the picklist prioritycode.
I went to "Configuration", "Personalization" "Attributes", and i have selected the attribute "Priority" of "Appointment".
But here the picklist prioritycode appears to be protected. It seems i cant do any modification whereas i can for other fields of other attribut.
I dont have a lot of knowledge in programation, so if someone has an idea please explain me in detail where i should go and do any modification.
Thanks in advance
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