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Conceptually, what's the difference between ProjTransPosting, and the Proj___TransSale Tables?

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I can create WIP, Revenue, & Billed numbers two different ways: 



Or a combination of 3 tables (for the 3 transaction types we currently utilize)

ProjCostTransSales (Expense)
ProjEmplTransSale (Labor)
ProjRevenueTranssale (Fees)

To my understanding, both routes should be able to get the same answer. In our case, they don't - because of some messed up imported transactions from when we implemented FO. 

So OK, if I want to match [Fee Management]'s #s in FO, I need to go the ProjTransPosting route for WIP, Billed, & Revenue. 

My question is: 

What's the difference?  I understand the 3 tables, I don't quite get how ProjTransPosting differs.  And say, in the 3 tables - each transid is unique, but a transid can appear multiple times in ProjTransPosting. 

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,187 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Conceptually, what's the difference between ProjTransPosting, and the Proj___TransSale Tables?

    Hi bbb0777,

    For a single project____Trans, there can be multiple voucher transactions. E.g. it was initially posted on WIP and later posted to the P&L. In that case, you have multiple vouchers in the ProjTransPosting table. The TransID is the identification for the individual transaction.  

  • bbb0777 Profile Picture
    bbb0777 158 on at
    RE: Conceptually, what's the difference between ProjTransPosting, and the Proj___TransSale Tables?

    Giorgio Bonacorsi



    ProjTransPosting:  Only has entries which have created a  general voucher entry

    Proj____TransSale, Proj___TransCost, and Proj__Trans - no such restriction.

    Is that correct?

    And then, the transID can be repeated on ProjTransPosting, becuase....something something that's accounting?

  • Giorgio Bonacorsi Profile Picture
    Giorgio Bonacorsi 665 on at
    RE: Conceptually, what's the difference between ProjTransPosting, and the Proj___TransSale Tables?


    I'm going to try to answer at your question: each project can have a different type of transaction (as you have understood, we can have items, hours, expenses, and fee). However, not all transaction can create a general ledger voucher entry.

    Example: you create items request by you haven’t already posted the packing slip. So, to sell all the transactions of a project, you can see the tables:


    - ProjItemTrans;

    - ProjItemTransCost [internal cost]

    - ProjItemTransSale [sales price]


    - ProjEmplTrans;

    - ProjEmplTransCost [internal cost]

    - ProjEmplTransSale [sales price]


    - ProjCostTrans;

    - ProjCostTransCost [internal cost]

    - ProjCostTransSale [sales price]


    - ProjRevenueTrans

    - ProjRevenueSales [internal cost]

    So, see only the transaction that they have generated a general voucher entry, you can see the: ProjTransPosting.

    Let me know if I have helped you.

    Kind regard,

    Giorgio Bonacorsi

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